5 Methods To Improve Your ESA Dog’s Sleep

Many dogs know when to sleep and they take regular naps in a day and wake up fresh and happy. This will help them to function properly and to be the best emotional support animal. But what if your dog does not take good naps? If he has sleep disorders? Read on to explore the reasons why dogs suffer sleeping disorders and how to improve the quality of your ESA dog sleep. 



For getting an ESA legally, you must have an ESA letter provided by your mental health specialist and approved by the authorities. Emotional support dogs help their owners to fight their mental illness and enter a happy and healthy life. Dogs have the natural ability to sense human moods and being an emotional support dog owner, you may have experienced that your dog never gives up on you when you suffer anxiety and depression. He is your ultimate partner and stays with you no matter what. He puts a smile on your face by doing cute things and cuddles. 

Therefore, it is totally your responsibility to take care of your little furry. You should notice if he is not having a sound sleep and becomes unhappy and tired all the time. 

Dog Sleeping Disorders and Their Outcomes

When your dog does not get 12 to 14 hours of sleep per day- attained via naps throughout the day and extended sleep in the night, his stress hormones will start to gather and results in a lack of energy. He will also act aggressively and his immune system will have to work hard to be tough on the infection. 

Here are some a few examples:

  • Sleep Apnea: More usual in fat dogs and flat-faced breeds.
  • Insomnia: Often connected to physical aches and pains comes with arthritis, kidney, or flea infection. 
  • Narcolepsy: Generally, a genetically-rooted inclination to slump into a deep sleep.
  • REM Behaviour Disorder: Comparable to sleep-walking disorder in humans. 

How To Amplify Vigorous Sleep In Dogs?

The sleeping disorders that are mentioned-above can be treated with a variety of medications and behavior modifications. A complete check-up by a veterinarian is crucial and should not be delayed. Similarly, you should keep track of all the vaccinations that should be given. Since your dog is a part of your family and you can not ignore her health at any cost. 

Make A Timetable

For being healthy, one must follow a timetable for eating, playing, sleeping, etc. If you want to improve the sleep of your dog, you should make him used to of specific timetable. He should live an organized life. 

Let Your Dog Excercise For Atleast An Hour

Exercise is the best remedy to say good-bye to a number of diseases. You should make your dog exercise for at least an hour. Once he will get tired, it will help him to have a sound sleep. The amount of time spend on exercise depends on the dog’s breed and before taking any initiative for him, you should conduct a little research. 

A Comfortable Bed

If your dog does not have a comfortable place to sleep then it is quite possible that he may suffer sleeping disorders. You should make a soft and comfortable bed for your little furry and if it's winter then makes sure that he is safe from cold. 

Need More Help?

People who can not afford pet clinics and veterinarian’s fees can contact a non-profit organization for pets. There are different NGO’s working for pets that provide pet foods and help people with low income to afford their emotional support animals. 

You should contact one of your nearest NGOs and ask them for medical help. In order to get benefit from these non-profit organizations, you need to produce an emotional support dog letter. These organizations make sure to provide assistance to people with disabilities to live a better life with their ESAs.

Related Resources :

How To Become A Responsible ESA Dog Parent

How To Take Care Of Your ESA

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